
8 septembre 2021 Martin C. Barry, Laval News Commande un Angelot, Lutte contre les violences sexuelles

Laval restaurants/bars join growing ‘safe bars’ network

« In response to rising apprehensions among some women about aggressive sexual advances sometimes leading to assault and rape, the City of Laval has decided to throw its support behind a growing network of ‘safe’ bars where staff are trained to intervene and help clients when they feel threatened or are in uncomfortable situations. »
1 septembre 2021 Joel Ceausu, The Suburban Commande un Angelot, Lutte contre les violences sexuelles

Order an “Angelot”

« ‘In Quebec, one in three women and one in six men will be the victim of at least one sexual assault in their lifetime’ said Andréanne St-Gelais, director of the Collectif social. ‘Bars and places for social or festive activities are more conducive to get out of hand. The Command un Angelot protocol is one way to increase customer safety. We salute participating institutions who recognize this reality and want to be part of the solution’. »
1 septembre 2021 Nicolas Dupont, Courrier Laval Commande un Angelot, Lutte contre les violences sexuelles

Un code pour appeler à l’aide dans les bars de Laval

« Un nouveau réseau de bars sécuritaires voit le jour sur le territoire de Laval. Au total, 15 établissements seront accrédités au cours de la prochaine année dans le but de prévenir et contrer les violences à caractère sexuel. »